Friday, December 4, 2009

Santa Baby

Tis the season oh yes it is! I am sure that everyone has their trees up and decorated but we are still in the process around here. It is taking a long time because everything I get out I have to show Charlie and then I end up taking pictures etc. Here is my favorite least from today. OOOOHHHH TOO CUTE!

Merry Christmas to everyone! We love, love, love all our wonderful friends amd neighbors. We are truly blessed that our neighbors ARE our friends. Speaking of Neighbors and friends...for anyone who reads this, and I know that there are so many ;), we are trying to get our neighors to participate in a Toys for Tots drive INSTEAD of doing neighbor gifts. More info to come...we are making flyers etc. We thought it would be nice to focus our energy on something to show our kids a little bit more CHRISTmas spirit. Next FHE we are going to shop for a toy and then we will collect toys for everyone to donate. Not necessarily on Monday but by the 19th or so. I know that there are some very crafty neighbors who do such fun neighbor gifts (myself included of course...j/k,) and people may already have plans or have purchased things and that is great. Love all y'all who are prepared! But for anyone that wants to participate, please do!! We will bring a flyer around most likely tomorrow (Saturday). I wanted to have them out by the 1st but...I hurt my back and haven't done much of anything this week.

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